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theHunter: Call of the Wild - New England Mountains PS4

  • theHunter: Call of the Wild - New England Mountains PS4
  • Издатель: Expansive Worlds AB
  • Игра: theHunter: Call of the Wild - New England Mountains
  • Наличие: Есть в наличии

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* Продукт theHunter: Call of the Wild - New England Mountains PS4 приобретается нами НА ВАШ ТУРЕЦКИЙ АККАУНТ PLAYSTATION, если у вас нет Турецкого аккаунта ПОСТАВЬТЕ ГАЛОЧКУ ВЫШЕ, что вам требуется аккаунт, создадим бесплатно в подарок (акция действует только при первом заказе), от вас нужна почта вида @gmail.com.

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Welcome to New England Mountains!

Grab your gear and get ready to explore the majestic Appalachian Mountains! Pit your wits against a new Great One, discover three remastered animals, and check in with an old friend in this beautiful location.

Hunt in stunning surroundings
Covering roughly a quarter of the state of New Hampshire, as well as portions of Western Maine, the White Mountains sit in the northern Appalachians. Featuring some of the most rugged landscapes in New England, this exciting map gives Hunters a wonderful new area to explore. Spend some time in the woods, out by the river, or at the lakeside. Then find a good spot and hunker down to scope out the wildlife – and just enjoy this perfect opportunity to sit back and enjoy the unique environment around you…

Discover remastered prey and rich countryside
On the uplands and through the trees of the New England Mountains, Hunters have the unique chance of laying eyes on three Great Ones. Not only that, the reserve also features some beautifully remastered prey. These improvements can be seen across the noble Whitetail Deer, the beautiful Red Fox, and the majestic Moose. That doesn’t make things easy though – prey is offered a hugely varied scenery to hide in. Mature forest, flowing water, and a landscape shaped by glaciers offers a backdrop of deciduous woodland, and dramatic outcrops. Whether you choose to wait out the wildlife in alpine meadows, or in deciduous and evergreen woodland, the setting of New England Mountains gives you the chance to take some time out and relax.

Plan your trips and tactics
New England Mountains is teeming with life. Hunters will need to plan carefully when heading out onto the peaks. Whether you’re exclusively going after a Great One, or just wandering into the wilds to explore, players can customize the look of their favorite weapons with the two included cosmetics to give them a distinctly New Hampshire feel. This is a perfect way to show off their custom gear before venturing out in search of that elusive and prestigious prey.
Информация об игре
DLC к игре theHunter: Call of the Wild
Дата релиза 6.12.2022
Жанр Шутеры, Спорт, Дополнение
Издатель Expansive Worlds AB
Платформы PS4
Регион приобретения Турция

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